Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Evenings @ The AZ

Each evening @ The AZ, we led in worship gatherings outside or inside the local church. Krissy, Hunter, Colton, Jamie, Sheila, and Brian worked with me on the music side of things. (Again, I had to get over my fear of singing...I think it is called "Gerontophobia".) I spoke on Sunday...Herb got Monday-Thursday...then I finished up on Friday. We had great response throughout the week.

My favorite evening was probably Tuesday evening. I pulled all of my students together before the service started and led them in a time of preworship that helped refocus their attention from giving to others to recieving from God. When the actual service began, they were tuned in to God and ready for a special experience of His prescence. Their readiness and the genuiness in worship that came along was so apparent that it led the entire fellowship into a very sweet time of connection with God. What a night!

Worship, and the Picacho Peak Boys (from Friday afternoon)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

brian's in there twice, hunter's in there twice, you're in there three times, i'm in there once. what's wrong with these pictures!?!?

6/22/2005 12:55 PM

Blogger kab_live said...

g- you got a big picture though!

6/22/2005 1:03 PM

Blogger Steve Bezner said...

Boyd, what up? Hey, man. Nice blog. Needing to talk to you about some theology/church stuff. Thinking about getting something sort of different started. E-mail me:

6/23/2005 1:39 PM


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