Two Questions for Polling - Please Comment.
Interesting thought...
Knowing what we know now, what deal SHOULD Cuban have done last year?
1)Trade Nash to make money for Damp?
2)Trade Dirk straight up for Amare? (and do you think Pheonix would have done this?)
Also, what part did Finley play...(Finley's contract is really what caused us not to have $ to keep Nash--could we have, should we have traded finley--if so, who for?) If Finley was gone, we could have had Nash and a center.

Nash for Damp OR Dirk for Amare
-From ESPN radio, Who is worse?
1)Star Wars geeks
2)Fantasy sports geeks
If the point is to play good basketball and build a family (and have some fun) then I agree, you never ever trade Dirk...(I really like Dirk and Finley). But on that note, you should never have traded Nash. (I loved the Big Three).
If the point is to play good basketball and win a championship (and have some fun) then you build your team to win. That may mean getting rid of some people that you love.
I have gone back and forth as a fan. @ times, it is all about a team winning, other times, it is about favorite players winning. Right now, I just want to see the Mavs go all the way.
It's kind of like this season - every time the mavs played the suns, I really wanted Nash to have a great game...but I wanted the Mavs to win (even though I like Steve Nash better than any single Mav).
If Cuban's point is to win a Championship (and I really think that's his intention, over being the most popular kid in the familly)...he's gotta be willing to give up anybody to better his team...even if that is Dirk for Amare (when we still had Nash).
5/23/2005 10:47 AM
Nash was a FA...essentially though, his presence was traded for damp. I love Dirk...I don't know if I love JT and Dirk...maybe I'll get there...I do love Nash and Amare...I would hate to lose Dirk...ahh...back and forth, I am.
5/24/2005 10:44 AM
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