I can't remember the last time that I responded when someone asks in a group setting: "Who has any prayer requests?". I generally am pretty private about my needs and worries. I consider much of my personal prayer life intimate...and only share with a few people that are either family, or considered family.
But, sitting in my office @ 6:00p on Friday, I feel very tired, both emotionally and physically. I may be trying to extend myself in too many directions, and am definintley trying to do too much on my own. If you, my friends, could do me a big favor, and please acknowledge my prayer requests.
-I am leaving in one week to take a group of 25 to Arizona for 10 days to lead 2 camps + worship services. I don't have very much help on this trip, and even though the details and packing are all heart and my mind are near prepared. Please pray for spiritual refreshment over the next week as I finish my messages and preparing the music and videos for the services. Pray that I begin the trip with patience.
-I have, of course, overloaded my own summer schedule with responsiblities. Pray that I am diligent and work for the excellence of God's glory.
-I am beginning to look for a part time job for the fall to suppliment my church responsibilities. I have made contact with a non-profit poverty relief group that I respect highly about a possible opportunity.
I know most of the people who check in on my blog...and I would thank you for praying on my behalf.
Lots of love. Peace.
Hey man, I will most definitely be in prayer for you and with you as you embark on that trip but more urgently the business of life. Keep pressing on man and know that God is with you always. Peace
5/28/2005 4:03 PM
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