Tuesday, May 24, 2005

New Topic

How did my blog become an all basketball blog? I guess that's what happens during the playoffs!

New Topic for commenting:
Talk to me about bivocational and lay ministry.

You know when ministers give their story...and you hear so many of them talk a/b running from God's call...yada yada yada...Well, I never felt that. I ran full speed into my call...until recently I recognized the way in which I too, have become the cliche' Jonah story. Here's how it has been for me. I ran toward vocational ministry (on the condition of my ministry being my primary source of income). I have spent way too much time placing conditions around my response to God's directions for my life. I now better understand and am fully satisfied that I am supposed to be a bivocational minister...for many reasons, that span an aray of motivations...which I am conitinuing to discover. I will comment a little later on describing more of the reasons why...or at least what I feel I can say here...but I first want to hear what you think a/b bivocational and/or lay ministry...+s and -s and personal experinces and feelings.


Blogger kab_live said...

I forgot how dang old you are!

5/24/2005 11:17 AM


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