I spent some time with Tariq. For him, belief speaks to values held by a religion...And religion comes down to social economics.
Tariq chooses to work at a gas station so that he can read, research, and write in between customers. He does these things over 8 hours a day. He is an intellectual. Tariq can hold a conversation in various mediums, such as philosophy, business, politics, mathematics, sociology, ethics, religion, and sciences. He is well-practiced in the art of debate, and comes across as right most of the time.
How can the above statements concerning belief be anything but confusing?..and this coming from one who seems as logical as Tariq? How can belief be about values...But, as Tariq directs, these values can be bought or sold...or traded, based on financial classes. Are beliefs so cheap? He supposes that as the distance widens between upper and lower classes (this expanse being a warring middle class) people will allow $'s to trump values, and cleave to others who hold similar financial situations, rather than similar beliefs/belief systems. This is basic to him.
It is possible for individuals with weak, or immature values to shift within similar systems to accommodate their comforts. In fact, this happens quite frequently. But, if someone believes something, in what ways can that belief...or those core values be alleviated or altered altogether?
-Can one's most sincere beliefs be destroyed? (or can they be only shaken, in which they would at some point return?)
-What are some ways that people's belief can be shaken, and uprooted?
::NBA preseason starts this week - Mavericks will definitely make it to round 2 this year, hopefully further::
Well, to be honest, my beliefs were shaken by a bad dream. But, as you said, I did come back to my orginal beliefs.
This is my personal experience, but I'm only 17.
10/11/2005 4:11 PM
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