Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Manna House

I went this morning to the Manna House, which is a not a parachurch, but rather multichurch organization in Midlo whose focus is social service. This is the group who is leading the effort for all of the evacuees in town, and who was hosting the meeting that I posted about on Saturday. They are doing a completely excellent work in meeting practical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It is so exciting to be able to be involved with their effort. I am to organize some groups of volunteers to lead some music, games, and sports activities in the coming weeks. This will be a fantastic opportunity to lead my congregation to PARTICIPATE in the missio dei...rather than only support it...or comment on it.

Here's a couple ideas of how you could participate from where you are:
1) If your town has taken in people...ask them how to get involved.
2) If you live in an apartment, ask the apartment office if they would agree to be a drop center for goods, money, etc. Make fliers, pass them out to every apartment, then, with your church, or other organization, give that money to the decision makers for local efforts.


Blogger brandi said...

you need that authentication code, for sure!

9/07/2005 3:49 PM

Blogger kab_live said...

word verification is up

9/08/2005 9:20 AM


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