I recently signed the ONE campaign.
I have known about ONE for sometime now; and have been inspired by it and appreciated it--but have done nothing.
I couldn't consider myself an activist, b/c unfortunately I have not been very active. I have spent the last few months dealing with the idea of missional christians versus mission-minded christians. I have discovered that while my philosophy is missional, my actions seem more mission-minded. It is, I guess, typical of the today's American christian to be supportive, rather than participatory of efforts that meet God's mission. Ironically, while I recognized this characteristic and then reconstructed much of my church theology and practice, my personal philosophy has been limited to the supportive effort. Lindsey and I have enjoyed writing checks and making online donations (when we can) to social support and relief efforts; but this is often something done and forgotten. I don't know what part I am to play in the social ministry part of God's mission, but I will now pray and listen for God's voice of direction...and in the meantime, I will be more concious of those who are actively participating in these types of efforts. Fortunately, there are millions of people who are trying to meet humanities needs...some are inspired by God, others by an intuition, or a compassion...regardless of their concious motivation--I am thankful for those who are plowing the way for a journey that I am now more ready to take.
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